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Google Glass explorers educated in good behavior

Google Glass explorers will no doubt be asked questions when wearing the technology in public, so Google has made a guide to follow which educates the wearers in good behavior. It looks like Google does not want the reputation of Google Glass tarnished by bad mannered explorers.
Google Glass explorers educated in good behavior
A somewhat comically drafted list of Do’s and Don’ts has been created, ensuring that people taking Google Glass outside are prepared for the attention the device will bring. The first ‘Do’ is to explore the world around you, Google encourages embracing all of Glass’s helpful features such as using hangouts, directions and requesting information.
The next recommendation is to take advantage of the voice command feature, allowing you to control Google Glass hands free. This would be ideal for situations like cooking and taking unique point of view photos. Asking permission is another big ‘DO’ as taking pictures and recording video would appear as staring at people strangely, give everyone a heads up as to what you are doing first. Even Virgin Atlantic are breaking out the Glass now.
Google encourage you to use the screen lock feature for security purposes and recommend you use the MyGlass app to manage your data in the event of the device being stolen. You can perform remote memory wipes and the screen lock will act like your smartphone passcode. The final thumbs up is to be vocal and active, share your experience with other explorers and promote Glass to the public.
In terms of the DON’TS, it is really a case of common sense and manners. Google notes that if you want to avoid looking strange, it is probably best to refrain from activities such as book reading as again it gives the impression of staring. Likewise it is not a good idea to use Google Glass for a sneaky tactical advantage whilst playing sports, this is technology and it will still break. Wearing Glass for too long as also seen severe headache issues.
As a result of the revolutionary nature of Glass, Google knows you will get plenty of attention and advises explorers to explain to curious onlookers exactly what the accessory is capable of. Google urges their ambassadors not to be “Glassholes”, instead hoping they embrace questions and demonstrate Glass in a courteous and helpful manner.

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