Which Is Best Internet Download Manager(IDM) Or Download Accelerator Plus(DAP)?
I've found many users over Internet Discussing the topic about which is best download manager, IDM or DAP? Different users have their different views regarding IDM and DAP.Some says that IDM is best while some prefer DAP..I've also read many articles on Internet about IDM and DAP and have tried both of them....Here,I'll show you my Comparison among Internet Download Manager (IDM) Vs Download Accelerator plus(DAP)....
1] A functionality called site grabber is available in Internet Download Manager which is used to save all the pages in a site for offline browsing while DAP lacks this..
2] Download Accelerator(DAP) has a great add-on called the Link Checker, which identifies valid and invalid download links before you actually hit the download button. It shows a small icon next to valid links on download pages, so you don't have to waste time trying out all of the different download sources while IDM lacks this.
3] Download Accelerator Plus has a disadvantage that sometimes the authentication fails which disables the downloading because alternative download link is available. But IDM refreshes the download link and does not effect the downloading and it continues without any damage.
4] Internet downloading manager download the file in a 16 or more parts while the download accelerator plus download files in less the 10 parts.
5] One of the most useful add-ons that you can enable in version 10 of DAP is DAPsters. If you download files from RapidShare.com or similar sites, this feature will come in handy. Basically, it minimizes the annoying pages that usually precede downloads on those popular file-transfer sites and fast-tracks you to the CAPTCHA step (if there is one).But this is not available on IDM.
6] In internet downloading manager we can download youtube videos directly without youtube downloader. In download accelerator plus it is not possible.You have to keep speedbit..
Click here to download DAP
Click Here to download IDM

2] Download Accelerator(DAP) has a great add-on called the Link Checker, which identifies valid and invalid download links before you actually hit the download button. It shows a small icon next to valid links on download pages, so you don't have to waste time trying out all of the different download sources while IDM lacks this.
3] Download Accelerator Plus has a disadvantage that sometimes the authentication fails which disables the downloading because alternative download link is available. But IDM refreshes the download link and does not effect the downloading and it continues without any damage.
4] Internet downloading manager download the file in a 16 or more parts while the download accelerator plus download files in less the 10 parts.
5] One of the most useful add-ons that you can enable in version 10 of DAP is DAPsters. If you download files from RapidShare.com or similar sites, this feature will come in handy. Basically, it minimizes the annoying pages that usually precede downloads on those popular file-transfer sites and fast-tracks you to the CAPTCHA step (if there is one).But this is not available on IDM.
6] In internet downloading manager we can download youtube videos directly without youtube downloader. In download accelerator plus it is not possible.You have to keep speedbit..
Click here to download DAP
Click Here to download IDM
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