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Samsung Galaxy Gear 2 features curved display

The Samsung Galaxy Gear was released in conjunction with the Note 3, and so many of us assumed that its successor would get a release date to coincide with the Note 4. However, with Samsung already admitting they made several errors with the design of their smartwatch it was rather obvious that they would want to rush the release of the Galaxy Gear 2 alongside the S5.
Samsung Galaxy Gear 2 features curved display
With so many 2nd-generation Galaxy Gear rumors out there it is often tough working out which is believable and which is not. However, the latest news suggesting the Samsung Galaxy Gear 2 features a curved display is one that we do believe, especially as they have started to embrace this with their handsets.
That is not the only reason, in order to have a decent wrist device it would be silly to assume that Samsung would stick to the design of their current Galaxy Gear model, and will need to deliver something that consumers would want to wear.
While we do not have any idea what a Galaxy Gear 2 with a flexible display would look like, they will need to think out of the box if they want it to look as cool as this recent Apple iWatch concept.
Whatever the 2014 Galaxy Gear will look like, we know it will be far better than the current design, which we know is boring and lacks features – Samsung undoubtedly played it safe.

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