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Fresh concept iWatch – the smart " clock on iOS 7 with curved screen

Design Studio Designeror developed the original concept the  “smart” hours iWatch, representing a cross between a fitness bracelet Nike FuelBand and smartphone iPhone. In device mounted large display and user interface takes advantage of the mobile platform Apple.
Unlike previous solutions, the new concept iWatch shows wearable computer under the control of the operating system iOS 7 and equipped with the usual button Home. The device can run any application from the App Store, including sports, to monitor physical activity.
iWatch enclosed in a waterproof case with rubber coating and are equipped with several sensors on the inner side of the bracelet. They are in contact with the skin “carrier”, collecting the data on blood pressure, heart rate, etc. The collected data transmitted to the iPhone through a wireless interface Bluetooth. On your smartphone data is processed in the application Healthbook.
Should be considered, that manufacturers have only recently started producing curved batteries for mobile devices,therefore implement such a concept will be difficult. Especially, if we consider the power consumption of existing flexible OLED- displays.Future technology Fresh concept iWatch - the smart clock on iOS 7 with curved screen
 Future technology Fresh concept iWatch - the smart clock on iOS 7 with curved screen
Concept Apple iWatch, nearly a smartphone
Eco Bracelet
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Delightful concept Apple iWatch
IWatch Concept

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